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Cornerstone Genuinely Cares

Leah Simpson. I was born with Amniotic Band Syndrome when the fetus gets caught in the amniotic bands in the womb. It cut off blood flow, amputated my right leg, and caused the fingers on my left hand to become webbed. Early in life, I had multiple surgeries on my leg and hand at Shriners Hospital. They separated my fingers and made incredible legs for me for the first 21 years of my life. I was lucky to have two strong parents who decided that they would get me involved if I liked sports. I played soccer from 6 years old through middle school, when I focused on volleyball and softball, two sports I continued to play at 30 years old. I also enjoy staying healthy and fit. One way I do this is by jogging. I ran one 5k and planned to run more.

When I had to leave Shriners Children’s hospital at 21, my prosthetist recommended Everett Cornerstone. I have been very happy with my decision to come here. I feel that Cornerstone genuinely cares about me as a person and the needs I have for my leg.

When I was a young teenager, I thought it would be years before I found someone willing to overlook my leg and hand, but little did I know I was already going to school with that person. I started dating my husband when I was seventeen, and after many years of adventures, we had just had our first child.

The most important thing my parents taught me is that it is ok to be different and that it’s who I am on the inside that matters. As a middle school special education teacher, this is a lesson I continue to teach to my students and will one day teach to my daughter.

Leah Simpson, “I have been very happy with my decision to come here. I feel that Cornerstone genuinely cares about me as a person and the needs I have for my leg.”

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