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Inspirational author pushes the limits

Phil Robertson Is the author of “Not A Leg To Stand On.” Phil was born with a right foot and lower leg, which lacked most of the bone structure needed to make it useful. The doctors of that era could do very little and removed Phil’s undeveloped foot so he could have a prosthetic leg fitted at sixteen months.

Phil has written down his life experiences as an amputee in his entertaining and inspirational e-book. His clear and direct observations are presented in 33 concise, compelling chapters. Please download the Not A Leg To Stand On PDF above and learn more about what it means to live with the external definition of “handicapped.”

Phil has found reality in the idea that there is a major benefit and blessing in fighting your way through what seems to be “limits”. When you look at what people are proud of, it is the hard times and challenges they have conquered. The real merit is measured in difficulties overcome!

Cornerstone is proud to provide Phil with his O&P services – helping to convert supposed disadvantages into advantages.

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